Monday, May 21, 2012

Last blogg (:

The last few days, we have been working on our last project. My last project consists of goal settings and how to base them off of a everyday living. Such as, don't give in to pure pressure or keep your standards higher. By living by those tips, you will stay going down the straight path instead of taking the curving road.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This week we talked about giving speeches about what to do and what not to do. While giving a speech you should, talk clearly, look at people, make sure you have good eye contact. You should not look around like youre lost, read directly off a paper or look uncomfortable.

Friday, April 27, 2012


The topic of this week was about conversation basics. The top five basic you shoul/shouldn't do:
1) Good eye contact, but not starring them down.
2)Don't mess with your hair, nails, clothes, "body parts", because it could mean you're not paying attention.
3)Don't do all a the talking
4)Dress reasonably, you dont want  to be a distraction.
5)and finally don't talk about the weather, it doesnt get you anywhere.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A few weeks ago, we discussed how setting plans and trying to accomplish your goals, will help you to do better. without trying, you wouldnt get anywhere. so in others words, try your hardest and be honest about trying you hardest.
''The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda."

I love Becca
In a recent blog, i discovered that you can make a mistake with or without good instructions. for example, a teacher could be explaining how to do the homework one day and the next they just hand it out. for the students, they could make a mistake and not understand how or what they are doing. I believe you can’t have too much instruction on the value of mistakes.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Today we talked about who you are with influences your choices. Lately i have been referring to the people im with, becasue they are influencing all of my choices. If i were to not be with them, i am certain everything would be  a  lot better and i wouldnt have bad consequences in result. to conclude with today's topic, we also talked about what we could do to prevent or help or choices. In result, im going to try to do something right and think about who im with before i do something as stupid as what they might or are doing.

Friday, March 30, 2012

In another blog i read, the 5 main leadership requirements a leader should have or haves is: Relationship, ownership, reward for work, pride, and confidence through equipping. These are important because without any/one of these requirements, a leader isn't technically a leader, in my opinion.